As I get older, some rather interesting and unexpected things are happening. One rather pleasing development is that some of the crap I've got shoved at the back of my wardrobe is actually coming back into fashion, meaning less trips to Primarni are needed in these credit crunching times. Even stranger and more shockingly, I find I am beginning to mellow. Gradually the waves of time are washing over me, and like a piece of glass in the ocean, my sharp edges are slowly being soothed and smoothed and rounded. Or, to put it another way, as I make cock up upon cock up upon cock up, I am becoming less judgemental of other people's cock ups. Parenting can be a heady mix of both solidarity and judgement. The vast majority of us are struggling along, fuelled by the most heart bursting levels of passion and love for our children, and desperate to offer them the best that we can. There's of...