UPDATE: 26th April - IMUK have received word from Dan Poulter's office that he will meet with them on 7th May. IMUK are grateful to everyone who helped them campaign for this. OK, before we start, well Dan Poulter, he's the Health Minister for Women's Health. There are several different Health Ministers, all of whom report to Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health. You knew all that, right? Yup, me too, me too, just checking. So - Independent Midwives, who as we know, face becoming illegal and extinct from October 2013 , have been trying to get a meeting with Dan Poulter for several months to discuss their demise and gain his help and support. Meeting with Dan Poulter is key to the IM's campaign. And yet, not only is he refusing to meet with them , he seems to be actively avoiding them . For example, IM's and their supporters have sent Christmas cards, Valentines cards, and hundreds of letters explaining their situation and the barriers they f...