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What Kind of Woman Breastfeeds a Toddler?

"What kind of woman breastfeeds a toddler?": this question has been asked this week in a variety of tones, ranging from total disgust to mildly shocked curiosity. Much has been made of the fact that Jamie Lynne Grumet, the woman pictured nursing her three year old son on the cover of last week's Time, is 'young and pretty'. There's apparently been some shock that a woman who looks like a trendily dressed model would behave in such a way. It seems like a lot of people associate extended breastfeeding with a very different kind of woman - stereotypically larger, rounder, hairier, hippier, older, uglier and weirder it would seem.

This got me thinking. What kind of woman actually nurses her child beyond one? This week I've put the word out and asked mothers who do to send me a picture and a few details about themselves, including their reasons for keeping on breastfeeding. The Time cover, for all its faults, has in many ways paved the way for other women to 'admit' to this choice, which many still view as weird or even unnatural.

My aim is that the images below will challenge such assumptions and even help normalise this parenting choice, allowing more mothers to nurse for longer if it feels right for them. I also hope this post serves as a way of women standing side by side, a show of solidarity, a 'petition' of sorts: Dear World, Please Consider This Normal! If you would like to 'sign' by adding your details, please find more info at the end. In the meantime, what kind of woman breastfeeds a toddler...let's see...!

Katy, 34
Girl, age 7, self weaned at 14 months; Boy, age 2.5, self weaned at 2.5 years
Currently the owner and head baker at a coffee house and bakery, at which I am the head baker.  Previously worked as a secretary for a non-profit for a few hours a week, was a SAHM, and was a surgery scheduler for a doctor's office. 
I chose to breastfeed past one because it seemed like the natural choice for us. Allowing them the chance to tell me when they were done kept me from wondering when it was right to stop. I enjoyed the moments of quiet I had during such active days. The ability to provide for my children on my own and to know that they are receiving the best nutrition gave me a sense of pride and satisfaction.  

Jamilah, 33
First child: girl now12, nursed til one (initiated weaning at one year: uninformed about extended benefits). Second child: boy now age 7; nursed (and formula fed) - micro preemie born at 29 weeks, lack of info and support, never developed a full supply and weaned at one year. Third child: boy now age 4, self weaned at 3.5 years old.
Jack of all trades. Studied hospitality management and culinary arts in college. Worked as teacher for 7 years, teaching everything from dance to health, art and PE. Currently working as BF Educator at a hospital and studying to become an IBCLC.
I continued nursing beyond one year because I had knowledge and a supportive community of BF'ing friends and it just came naturally. Number three took to nursing right away and we continued until he was ready to stop and even a year after weaning I can still feel the strength of the bond that was created.

Caragh, 34 
Daughter (aged 15) BF till 12 months, son (aged 13) BF till 4 years, son (aged 4 years) BF till 18 months - all self weaned. Son (15 months) still breastfeeding. 
Full time uni student, graduating with Bachelor of Midwifery later this year.  
I breastfed toddlers before understanding the immense impact & benefits BF can have emotionally, physically & immunologically. It was just what was right for our family.

Hannah, 28
3 year old boy, self-weaned 2 weeks after his 3rd birthday, 12 month old girl, still going strong.
Bachelors of Business Administration in music business; worked for 2 years doing publicity for her favorite record label, now SAHM.
Initially it was my goal to nurse to 1, then after researching it and learning the health benefits of extended nursing, I decided to let my babies decide for themselves when to be done!  I never thought I'd tandem nurse a 3 year old and a 9 month old, but I am so glad I did.  Tandem nursing was an incredible bonding experience for my sweet babies!!

Heather, 42
Son, 30 months, still nursing, will wean when he chooses.
SAHM, before baby esthetician/ massage therapist.
So many reasons to extended breastfeed: he still seems so little to me (he's 50-75 percentile on all measurements). He still wants to. He was born in Sept and each time he has a birthday we are so close to flu/cold season so we just kept going. He is old enough to say funny things about breastfeeding. For example, the other day he said "mommy's heart is in her boobies". When people ask when I am going to stop breastfeeding I tell them to ask him. They never do. 

Tiffani, 25
29 month old boy - still nurses.
Stay at home mother and student currently studying Human Services focusing on pre-social work. 
The benefits of breastfeeding do not vanish at one year, we will stop when he weans himself and from the looks of it we are in for the long haul.

Shanon, 32
Girl, self weaned at 2.5 and currently 19 weeks pregnant
Currently a SAHM, litigation paralegal for 6 years before daughter was born
I wanted to let her tell me when she was ready to wean, plus the immunity benefits are hard to ignore. 

Danielle, 31
BF 11 yr old daughter only for a couple of months (due to lack of support, knowledge, colic, and severe postpartum depression that went untreated/undiagnosed.) 23+ month old currently nursing and will wean when ready. 
Worked full time from 3-4 months old (still full time) 12 hour shifts as a Labor & Delivery RN. Pumped at work until 13 months old, now nurses as and when daughter requires when they are together. 
Why breastfeed a toddler? WHY NOT?! She enjoys it, it's a routine for us, our quiet time together (rare for a 2 yr old). And the WHO does indeed recommend at least 2 years of Breastfeeding for health benefits. I don't want to stop her from something she likes and I never thought I'd go past 6 months, then 1 year....I'm proud of myself.

Reve, 29
Boy, 25 months, preemie, only child, still nursing
Kindergarten teacher, BS in Early Childhood Education
Nursing was never a question, I feel very lucky that we've been so successful as my son was born 8.5 weeks premature.  He has thrived and has rarely been sick thanks to Momma's natural immune booster!

Charlotte, 38
Daughter 9, self weaned at 10 months; Son 6, weaned at 20 months; Daughter 8 months, going strong!
Degree in English Literature. Spent entire career in creative advertising. Currently on mat leave but usually works 2 days a week as the Planning Director of an ad agency. 
Breastfeeding is the most natural and beautiful relationship a mother can have with her child. It makes both of us feel so happy. My babies thrive on my milk and I am so so proud to say I breastfeed. 

Laura, 29 
Daughter, 16 months, still happily nursing. 
Masters in Electronic Engineering and works for a small family business. Likes to crochet, grow vegetables, and is a breastfeeding peer supporter.
I wanted to breastfeed to 6 months (as recommended by the NHS). We really struggled at first but by 6 months it had become so easy and enjoyable that I couldn't see the sense in stopping. I think we'll just breastfeed to natural term but I don't give it much thought. It's just part of our lives.

Lisa, 21
Son, 10 Months old, still nursing. 
Currently a full time mum, previously worked full time in the health and fitness industry. Fully qualified hairdresser and fitness instructor. 
I intend to breastfeed as long as he needs me which will undoubtably be past 1year as he feeds regularly and shows no sign of slowing down!

Sam, 34 
Son, 25 months old, still nursing.
Work for the Probation Service, BA in Archaeology. 
I breastfed mainly because it's (technically) free, and it's what I knew - my cousins breastfed their babies and I remember seeing it as a child. It was not easy and I do regret assuming that it would be or I might have sought support during my pregnancy. As it was, I had quite a few problems early on but overcame these with the help of a breastfeeding support worker. I ended up becoming a peer supporter myself, which I LOVE, and I've found out so much more since then - I can't wait to have another baby so I can put my new-found knowledge in to practice! I am ready to night wean my son now, but I do hope to tandem nurse if no. 2 comes along fairly soon!

Jayne, 27 
2 girls both self weaned around 10 months; Boy, now 15 months and still going strong.  
I believe its not up to me to choose when he’s ready to stop feeding, it’s his as it was with my girls so I plan to keep going till he self weans. I’m a lone parent and have been with all of them, I run a lone parent support group and help out at two of my local family centres and I’m also a breastfeeding buddy.

Christi, 32
Girl 5 - weaned 1 month shy of three years; Girl 3.5 - weaned at 3
Current SAHM and nearly full time photography student currently getting own studio off the ground. Former motorcycle safety foundation instructor, Disney Matterhorn climber, freelance web design and development, web design and development instructor. 
All of the many reasons boiled down to: we nursed until it was no longer right for our family as a whole. While the girls would have gone on past three, and I'm sure would have continued to benefit, I had found my personal limit.

Liana, 26
20 month old boy still nursing, no plans to wean
Artist / educator / successfully self-employed WAHM
Our family believes in a positive full-term nursing relationship because it makes sense to us. We don't agree with arbitrary limitations set out by our current society. A joy-filled peaceful life beneficial for all involved is our goal, and for us that includes an attached and warm-hearted home.

Adria, 31
Girl - aged 3, weaned at 7.5 months. Girl, still nursing with no signs of stopping, 16 months.
Office administrator, BA in History, Certificate of Medieval Studies, MA in Medieval and Early Modern History
Nursing past one seemed a lot easier than having to wean and I'm all about easy-going parenting! It also surprisingly still fits in with our lifestyle, even though I'm at work everyday. DH says he thinks our daughter likes boobs even more than he does.

Katharine, 31
Boy - self-weaned at 2 and a half years
Has always worked for government offices and still works part time. BA degree in Social Science.
Breastfeeding was never in question for me. It has no competition in my eyes. My son and I developed an incredibly close relationship as a result and I was happy for him to choose when the feeding aspect ended. I even breastfed him when he was 2, on our wedding day!

Margaret, 65
Son unfortunately weaned at 8 weeks after a bad experience. Breastfed eldest daughter for 9 months, Katharine, (photo above) until 4 and youngest son until 3 and a half. All self-weaned. 
A 'working class lass' from Manchester who left school at 15. Married at 22 and a SAHM.
I wanted to give the best start ever to my children which is what breastfeeding does and felt quite bereft when it ended. Lovely to see my Grandchildren now benefitting from it!

Theresa, 28
20 month old daughter, only child, still nursing
FT employee at a mortgage company; BSc in Criminal Justice
Nursing after work/daycare gives LO a sense of closeness. She is not happy until we nurse after we get home. We will continue until she self-weans.

Svea, 28
1 boy, 18 months (still nursing)
SAHM, visual artist, activist, writer at mamatomamablog; Life Coach for mothers and other creative people. MA candidate, Counseling Psychology. Hons. B.A. Psychology, Diploma in Psychotherapy.
It seems like the most natural, normal thing in the world to me. My mother nursed me until I was 3.5 years and I didn't turn out too badly It also helps me to calm and connect with my very active toddler. I honestly don't know how people parent without it. We'll wean when one or both of us gets tired of it.

Abebi, 24
Nursing son, 14 months.
Part-time school bus driver
I grew up in a home where breastfeeding was not only normal, but encouraged. Each of us were breastfed for at least two years and all but one of the six children my mother had self-weaned. The only reason she weaned the other was because she was in the middle of a high-risk pregnancy and given a choice. My son and I love spending the time together just the two of us. Even if he is just using me for comfort, I love it. He can decide when he's ready to be done with it. In that way, I am letting him make the first big decision of his life.

Helena, 28 
Baby boy aged 20 months who is still feeding. 
BSc in Physics. Former civil servant, currently a SAHM.
Haven't weaned yet because the health benefits outweigh any reason to.
Rachel, 40
Son now 14, fed until 3 weeks (lack of support meant I stopped because he wasn't gaining weight and I had mastitis. Developed PND as a result.) Fed daughter now 11 until she stopped at 14 months  (a different experience with much better support). Currently nursing 26 month old daughter (showing no sign of stopping.)
Full time family Physician
Why past one? Why not??? I adore my little girl and love our mummy milk time. I'm not taking that away from her.

Linda, 29
Son, still happily breastfeeding at 19 months. Will self-wean when he is ready.
Bachelors Degree in Biology, Masters Degree in Genetics and PhD in Medical Genetics. 'Equally sharing parenting joys and responsibilities' and thus combining motherhood and working as a cutting-edge Cancer Researcher. Freelance Model.
"Extended" Breastfeeding is just the right thing to do, for so many reasons. Being a Cancer Researcher, I know that the easiest thing to do to decrease the risk of various cancers is simply to breastfeed. I would be stupid not to! The World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines are acknowledging the multiple benefits of breastfeeding, and recommend breastfeeding for at least 2 years. These guidelines have been in place since the 1970s, it's just that too few people know about them.

Isabella, 42
Still nursing a 20 month old baby. First nursed until she was two and weaned herself when her sister was born. That sister weaned herself at 6 months after being exclusively breastfed, 'because she preferred formula, I was very disappointed.' Third breastfed until almost two.
Writer, currently studying for a degree in Creative Writing English with a specialty in Non-fiction, Mother of 4,  former business/Account training and work background.
I intend to breast feed my baby for a while, besides, she is the last one, I am not in a hurry to stop. I am a black woman and I know many black women who breastfeed their children and respect that choice and support it.

Lee, 27
Breastfed youngest daughter until 20 months.
Full time mum to 3 children.
Formerly worked on a caravan park and now trying to start own business.
I was happy to continue nursing the whole time my daughter was benefiting from it and my breast was her source of comfort. I cannot begin to tell you how much I cherish our breastfeeding time and how close we are. I never nursed my two elder boys so feel eternally grateful to have been given the knowledge and support to have experienced a successful breastfeeding relationship.

Alison, 34
Boy 1,weaned at 19 months, boy 2 weaned at 17 months, girl, just weaned last week at 22 months.
Degree in Technical Theatre, former IMAX 3D projectionist, now a SAHM.
It never occurred to me not to breastfeed and it worked so well for us as a family, on so many levels that I just kept on going. There was never an 'end date' in mind, I just did what was natural.

Laura, 36
First daughter self weaned at 3 years and 9 months, second daughter is one next month and 'will wean when she is ready.'
Speech and Language Therapist with MSc in Learning Disability. Currently on maternity leave from Surestart post (UK).
I had NO clue about mothering. Loads of qualifications, science and research but no idea what to do. Luckily my baby ("high need" Matilda) taught me everything I needed to know. She attached, baracuda style, and didnt let go...for years. All I did was respond. Thank you Matilda, from me, and your baby sister.

Sam, 34 
Eldest (boy now 16yrs) weaned at a few weeks due to upper lip tie, 2nd (boy now 11yrs) weaned at 6 weeks (no support!), 3rd (girl now 4yrs) weaned herself at 15 months, 4th (boy) currently still breastfed at 19 months, had a very tight tongue tie, separated at 3 weeks, had severe reflux for 10 months & still happily breastfed.
Currently SAHM, used to be a cashier, then an Admin assistant, then later became an Animal carer. Hoping to train as a Doula. 
I'm proud to feed my toddler.

Rebecca, 27
Boy, still nursing, 43 months. Girl, still nursing, 16months
Current SAHM, former Sergeant in the U.S. Army
Breastfeeding is a natural part of our lives, none of us want to wean and it feels wrong to think of stopping so young.

Jessie, 34
Two boys, now 7 and 4, who weaned at just under 3 years each, and currently nursing a 17 month old girl.
Freelance Graphic Designer working from home.
It's a dream come true to be able to work from home and be with my kids. I hope my daughter continues breastfeeding for just as long as she wishes to! I'll miss this phase of life terribly when we're finally done! We never considered stopping at one year. Why stop doing something that's so incredibly good for all involved? The benefits are too many to list.

Sarah, 30
Boy, weaned 3 years 9 months; boy, still nursing, 3 years 2 months; boy, still nursing, 19 months & 16 weeks pregnant.
Currently studying for degree in Social Sciences with OU, former Buyer, SAHM after birth of 3rd child.
Originally I intended to nurse for six months to a year, but it seemed so natural and normal to nurse, along with the huge benefits emotionally and physically, that I decided to allow self-weaning instead.

Caz, 31
Two daughters aged 3.7 years and 14 months. Still breastfeeding both 'until they want to stop'.
Had a variety of jobs. Formula One fan and lover of very rare steak.
Why did I nurse past one? It was going so well that we didn't see any reason to change things. And it's still going well, so no reason to change things!

Aly, 38
Twins 12, weaned at a few weeks old, Girl 3, nursed until she was 3 years and 4 months old.
Company Director. Joint owner of 3 companies.
The health benefits didn’t just stop when she turned 1. It seemed logical to continue nursing until we were both ready to stop.

Jennifer, 37
Boy, 4.5, Female, 2.5, both still nursing
BS in Behavioral Science, Currently a freelance Voice Over Artist, Creator of, and mostly a SAHM.
I nursed past one because the unplanned but intentional parenting choices that we made deeply connected me to my children. And with every part of me I knew it was the best thing for our family.

Lindsey, 27
Girl, still nursing at 21 months
Former psychiatric nurse, now SAHM
I nursed past one because... my daughter and I have a wonderful relationship based on love and attachment, and nursing strengthens our bond.

Nina, 28 
Girl, 4 years, self weaned at 31 months to the day.
Qualified Tailor, SAHM, Volunteer LLL leader.
We nursed past one because it was right for us.

Fiona, 37.
Boy 28 months old not weaned yet (plan to let him self wean)
Currently a SAHM but was a teacher (primary and secondary History, Geography and Japanese language teacher) Has worked in various positions outside of teaching. eg HR in the Finance sector in the City and Corporate and Ministerial Correspondence in the Railways.
I believe the natural weaning age is between 3 - 7 years. I keep nursing for the immunological and nutritional properties of breastmilk and to meet his sucking and emotional needs.

Bec, 29
Girl, now 3.5 and weaned at 12 months and 2 days. Boy now 2 and still feeding regularly.
Currently SAHM, former bar assisant in local pub, prior to that gained a BA/Hon in Fine Art
I nurse past 1 because my son didn't want to stop. I feel it's unfair to remove his security blanket and something he finds comfort in. He enjoys it and it's doing him loads of good. It's free too, I don't have to buy extra milk because I make my own. :)

Karen, 33
Boy weaned the week before his 6th birthday, girl still bf 3 1/2, girl still bf 4 months
Graduate, qualified veterinary nurse, current SAHM
It felt right for me and my children.

Lisa, 30
27 month old boy still breastfeeding.
Former financial technology consultant working with million pound transactions daily, now a SAHM and loving it! 
I said I'd go to 6 months and see how it went and we're still going and I know he loves mummy milk even though sometimes I'd love to stop if I'm honest. It's full of goodness for him and great when he has a fall or needs comfort plus it's completely natural.

Shannon, 27 
7 year old boy, weaned at 4 months. A 33 month old girl, weaned at 9 months. A 16 month old girl, still nursing. 17.5 weeks pregnant with fourth child. 
SAHM for the last 7 years.
I have chosen to nurse beyond 12 months with my third child because...when I look in her eyes, I see a baby who needs to be as close to me as she's always been. There's no age restriction on a mother's bond with her child.

First child, son - nursed for 14 months. Second child, daughter nursed for 4.5 years.
Teacher, doula, breastfeeding counsellor, ex-publisher, Mum of 2 and step-mum to 1.
I breastfed beyond one...cos I was lazy! Melt-downs? Plug 'em in! Grumpy and tired? Plug 'em in! Trying to work on the computer? Let 'em nurse!

Cheryl, 34
Boy now 4 years, self weaned - aged 2, currently nursing 5 month old baby girl
Former Air Stewardess and Personal Assistant, now SAHM and started own business three years ago.
I had planned to breastfeed my boy to six months, like the books said. Baby boy had other plans. We just kept going til he wanted to stop, when he was ready. I don't have a plan for my daughter.....

Milli, 37
Girl, self weaned at just turned 4, still nursing girl aged nearly 2.
Former therapist, currently SAHM and wannabe writer, blogger at The Mule.
My daughters take great comfort from breastfeeding and I think the psychological benefits are underrated, it is not really about 'food' for me! 

Brittany, 22
Girl, aged 4 years, still nursing. Boy, aged 6 months, still nursing.
SAHM, blogger at, lover of fashion and philosophy
I love the closeness and bond that comes with extended nursing. My older one doesn't nurse for more than a minute or two. It's natural, loving, and calms us all down!

Kimra, 26 
Currently nursing Boy, almost 3, and Boy, 5 months, and planning on self-weaning both. 
Reiki Master, ordained minister, and spiritual healer, primarily focusing on pregnant women, mothers, babies, and children. 
I nursed past one because: I just seems so natural to do and it feels right to do. It fits our family dynamic perfectly.

Dawn, 26
Currently nursing Boy 3.5yrs and Girl 20months and expecting baby number three.
Current SAHM
I nursed past one because it felt normal and we both still enjoyed our time together. It also helped massively with bonding and inclusion issues that could have occured when our daughter arrived.

Jemma, 28 
Eldest girl self weaned at 26 1/2 months and youngest 'still going strong and will stop when she is ready.'
Graduate, now runs own business.
I nursed past one as I thought it was important to give my daughter the best (continued) possible start and wanted her to be happy; breastfeeding was a huge part of her life (even now she still has mummy's milk at bedtime though she has weaned)
It wasn't even a decision that was made - just was and we both loved the time together.

Rebecca, 31
Girl, 3.5 - stopped feeding at 14 months due to maternal ill health. Girl 1.5 - self-weaned at 9 months. Girl 1 month - going strong!
Read Classics as undergrad, music as post grad, juggles a few thousand things, runs NapNap, wannabe eco and educational revolutionary.
It was always the obvious thing to do and there didn't seem any reason to stop.

Paula, 42
Boy currently 18, weaned at 18 months; Girl currently 16, weaned at 26 months; Girl currently 13, weaned at 3 years old; Boy currently 9, weaned at 4 years 1 month; Boy currently 7, weaned at 40 months (tandem nursed with older brother); Girl currently 34 months, still nursing.
College graduate, work at home, homeschooling mom to 6. Has small family farm raising animals & produce. Works at Midwest Knife & Axe Throwers as an instructor. Board Chair for Shakespeare on the Edge. Pursuing black belt in Karate, taking horseback riding lessons, and runs the occasional 5k.
I never started nursing as a political statement. It was free & easy. Just like a child walks when a child is ready and not before, we stopped nursing when we were ready, and not before.

Hannah, 28
Currently tandem feeding 2 girls aged 28 months and 5 months.
Was Branch manager of an Insurance broker, now self employed real nappy advisor and studying Diploma in Breastfeeding Counseling
When my oldest was born, I took each day at a time and that is exactly what I do now. I don't know when we'll stop but I do wish it was more accepted in society.

Anne, 35
Currently tandem nursing child 1, 3.5 years, child 2, 8 m
Former professional freelance orchestral clarinettist, now concentrating on family & running the breastfeeding support group/ blog at Dispelling Breastfeeding Myths
Why I kept nursing? I just didn't wean ;)

Christie, 31
Boy, 5yrs, self-weaned at 40 months; Girl, 27months, still nursing.
South African, self-employed "Attachment Parent".
Nursing makes so much sense to me. It's convenient, healthy, comforting and Breastmilk is super-powered brain-food! My kids have no sleep issues, they never get sick (if they do, they recover overnight) and they are calm and well-behaved!

Kathy, 41
Lactating for 11 years: 4 with daughter and 4 with her brother (2 of those years tandum nursing), and currently nursing her 3 year old son.
BA in Sociology from UCSC, Flower Essence Practitioner, but 99.9% of the time 'solely devoted to being the SHAM that I am!'
We just did what was right for us, with no regard for uptight social judgment. It was no big deal in the communities I have lived in, and always such a rude awakening to hear people being offended by the most beautiful thing on earth. Let us enlighten our brothers and sisters with love.

Michelle, 28
Two girls, aged 3 years and 8 months old respectively - both still nursing.
Previously a buyer for a helicopter company, now a SAHM with a handmade bath products business.
Nursing past one (and two AND three!) 'just happened and feels natural. 

Sam, 25
Currently tandem feeding youngest two children. (2 and 7 weeks). Will allow both to self wean.
University Graduate, currently on mat leave but employed as a Social Worker for a Local Authority. Mother of three boys. 
I breastfed my eldest boy for 2 weeks, lack of support and little knowledge ended that experience. I am still breastfeeding my toddler as it gives him such pleasure, and would never consider stopping until HE is ready.

Molly, 33
Girl, age 13, weaned at 6 months; Boy, age 10, weaned at 14 months; Girl, age 2, weaned at 18 months; Girl, age 10 months, currently nursing.
Former nurse, current SAHM. 
I wish I had known about the benefits of attachment that extended breastfeeding brings before I hurriedly weaned my first three children because our culture "isn't comfortable with it"....I plan to nurse this baby...and my next for as long as they desire and it is my personal mission to help normalize extended breastfeeding so other moms and babes can benefit.

Patty, 32
Girl, age 4 - weaned at 10 months (didn't know any better - looking back i was influenced by books, health visitors, popular parenting "methods" etc) boy, 16 months, will wait until he is ready to self wean.
BSc in Psychology, works as an independant mental health advovate in a secure hospital, 2 days a week. 
I understand more about BF since being more involved in LLL and support groups this time around. Theres nothing better at calming down an upset/hurt toddler than breastmilk! I also express milk sometimes as my 4 year old, despite being weaned, enjoys a "boobie nesquick" now and then! I know my healthy, intelligent little ones benefit from mummys milk in so many ways.

Tracey, 39
One precious girl, currently nursing at 34 months.
College graduate. Full time learning disability carer/WAHM.
I never planned to breastfeed, but our little lady latched on herself during skin-to-skin time and showed me how beautiful it was. I never planned to start, it was her decision, so I never planned to stop, just to take it a day at a time. So I guess we will carry on taking it a day at a time until she doesn't want to nurse any more.

Emma, 36
Boy, currently 12y nursed til 12 months. 2nd boy currently 4y5m nursed till 3y10m and daughter 7months still nursing and 'will nurse her as long as she wants.'
Graduate trained mental health nurse, currently SAHM
I stopped nursing my first, mainly due to pressure from health professionals and family and was suffering from PND. I nursed my 2nd son till he self weaned the day his sister was born. I don't see any reason to plan to wean, it's such a fantastic source of nourishment and comfort and I don't see any good reason to force weaning.

Mari, 24
Twin boys nursing at 16 months, intends natural term nursing/child led weaning.
Qualified from Uni of Edinburgh with MBChB. "Retired" doctor, Married, Current SAHM.
I nurse my children because its instinctive, natural, normal (worldwide average weaning age 4.2years) we enjoy it, it's calming, comforting, nourishing and a superfood!

Katharine, 20
Girl, self weaned at 2.5 years, girl 14 weeks still nursing.
NVQ3 in child care, works as a deputy in a nursery, currently on mat leave.
I was 17 when I gave birth to my first daughter, and knew I wanted to breastfeed. It was hard at first, but once we got the hang of it, it worked well for us, we had a lovely bond and both enjoyed feeding times. Once she got to a year people started asking me when I was going to stop feeding. I hadn't thought about it and the idea made me sad, I didnt want to stop as she enjoyed feeds and I enjoyed the bond it gave us. I chose to feed all the time she still wanted it,, and she self weaned at 2.5years. I'm now nursing my new daughter and I do not have a set time I will feed for, as long as she wants mummy milk I'm happy to give it to her :) 

Rebecca, 30
Girl, still nursing 27 months
Doula, writer, former senior NGO staff, holds an MA in War Studies
We are still nursing as it is right for both of us, has so many benefits and no downsides.

Sarah, 28
Currently tandem feeding two boys, 2.5 years old and 7 weeks old
BSc in Human Geography, MSc in Spatial Planning. Planning Officer, currently on mat leave. Also self employed and runs with husband.
Why I nurse past one – I was happy, he was happy, why stop? Breastfeeding has on-going benefits for both me and my sons.

Mandi, 36
Girl aged 14 weaned at 14mths; boy aged 12 weaned at 16 mths; girl aged 9 weaned at 17mths, boy aged 6 weaned at 18mths; girl aged 3 weaned at 2yrs; boy aged 11mths, 'still going strong.'
Graduate in Childcare, SAHM, breastfeeding peer supporter.
My children still needed me to, they are happy, bright children and my husband supported me 100%.

Arlette, 36
Girl, 36 months. still nursing.
Mexican, B.A. Pedagogy, Master in Management of Cultural and Historical Heritage, current SAHM and Breastfeeding peer supporter.
I’m still breastfeeding because it feels right for us. I think if she is still asking for it’s because she still needs it. She will stop when she is ready.

Lyndsay, 21
Boy currently nursing at 17 months.
Qualified community youth worker and sports outreach co-ordinator. Currently SAHM.
We put in a lot of hard work at the start and are just having way too much fun to stop. I will gladly open my arms and feed him until he is ready to wean himself ...

Nipuna, 39
Boy, 11, Autism Spectrum, weaned at 3 yrs 9 months, tandem nursed with sister from 17 months. Girl, 9, weaned at 4 1/2 yrs, tandem nursed with her brother, through a pregnancy and with her sister. Girl, 7, weaned at 4 yrs 2 months, tandem nursed with her sister until 2. 
BA in International Relations, Business Manager, Reverse Logistics/Supply Chain Management, and other odd jobs. Hoping to begin MSc in Midwifery soon, currently a postpartum doula.
I practiced child-led weaning for the health and immune benefits as well as supporting my children's quest for independence and confidence.

Brianna, 27
Boy 6yrs weaned at 6wks (preemie, latch, nipple shield, colic, not educated enough :( ), Boy 19mo still nursing, expecting baby number 3, will tandem nurse 'if middle son still wants to.'
Current SAHM, former preschool teacher.
Benefits my son and I, and feels right for my family. Very happy with my decision, I know it has helped us avoid a hospital stay in the past.

Jane, 23
Son, 15months and still feeding, and 18weeks pregnant.
I am at college in the evenings and at home during the day. I am planning on doing the next year online during the summer so that I can spend 10 months at home with my new baby before going back to uni full time the following September. I was 21 having my son and breastfeeding felt like the natural thing to do at the time. I didn't know that some people thought it was 'weird'. As my son grew and carried on feeding it still felt natural and so I didn't stop. When I looked into the benefits I realized there was no need to make him stop and he will wean himself when he is ready. He gets all the goodness and I get to cuddle up to him like he is a newborn again.

Lisa, 39
Girl, 21 months still nursing at night
Holds BFA degree in Fine Art, owns estate sale and appraisal business.
My daughter was not ready to wean at one, even after introducing solid foods between 6 and 8 months. I felt she was too small to go without something that perfectly nourished her growing brain.

Kristie, 38
9 year old girl nursed 2 weeks ('I had severe high blood pressure and retinal edema, lost eye sight and was advised to quit'), 7 year old boy, nursed for 42 months and loved every minute of it, and 3 year old boy nursed for 6 months ('Lost my milk supply when my dad passed away.')
IBCLC, helping moms and babies achieve their breastfeeding goals! 
I nursed my son for 42 months because it made him him happy! He had severe sensory integration disorder and he was comforted the most at the breast! He weaned at his own pace and was the best, well adjusted toddler I have had in this crazy world! We still have an amazing bond!

Mo, 32. 
Nursing twin boys, 27 months old, still going strong. 
Full-time mama, part-time preschool teacher. Licensed elementary teacher, Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, BS in Education. Blogger at Attached at the Nip.
I nursed my boys past one because my mother nursed my siblings and me past one. It never occurred to me to do otherwise. It's only now, after researching, that I realize all the immunological and psychological benefits!

Petra, 27
Boy - 5, still very occasionally nursing, Boy - 26 months, breastfeeding frequently, 4-5 times a day and night!
Studied to be a kindergarten teacher in Austria, then worked as a nanny until I fell pregnant with my first. SAHM ever since 'and loving it'.
Watched "extraordinary breastfeeding" before Iwas pregnant. Thought it was a bit extreme! Got to 12 months and thought "why stop?" Very gradually I began to understand why those women nursed for so long. It was a natural progression, not something I consciously decided to do but rather something we quite literally grew into.

Eilidh, 28
One son, aged 3 years 8 months - happy to confirm "still breastfeeding".
Work part-time as a GP Surgery Practice Nurse, excited to be a SAHM in 6 weeks when they move to Australia. Planning to train to become a BF Counsellor and Postnatal Teacher Passionate about breastfeeding and general instinctive parenting and blogs at
I knew I would breastfeed. My mum breastfed my siblings so to me it was the normal thing to do when you have a baby. In terms of never having chosen to wean my son from nursing, I have yet to find a good reason to wean that is in 'his' best interests. He will at some point make that transition, and I will feel so proud of both of us when that day comes.

Emily, 38 
Weaned first son right before 5 years old. Second child, a daughter, weaned on her own, right before 6 years old. Third, a son, is still nursing, at 3 years old. 
Homeschooling SAHM, former teacher.
As of last week, I have nursed for 9 years straight, with just over 5 years of that tandem. My original plan was to wean my first at a year because I wanted to get pregnant and really didn't see the need to nurse past a year. But you read how that went! I didn't decide to nurse past one. My children did. I couldn't argue with how good it was for them. It's normal and natural and I can't imagine not nursing past 2.

Bryany, 25
Boy 5 weaned at 5 months with tongue tie. Boy 2.5 (30 months) still nursing.
Former theatre school teaching assistant now SAHM and breastfeeding helper.
I believe that babies should wean when they are ready and youngest still loves it.

Lucy, 37
Two girls – eldest daughter weaned herself at 3 years 7 months, when Lucy was pregnant. Younger daughter weaned herself at 4 years 1 month.
Science graduate, ex-teacher, now paid breastfeeding peer supporter and GCSE exam marker, hoping eventually to work in public health.
I started off aiming at 12 months because that’s what my mother did, then read that the WHO recommended 2 years minimum breastfeeding. When we reached two years, I remember saying that now she could wean whenever she liked...took another year and a half before she did. With daughter two, I simply wanted to let her have the same good start that her sister had. Now 10 and 6, my girls are rarely ill and even when they do succumb, they don’t seem to get as sick as other kids and bounce back quickly. No regrets – breastfeeding my girls is a cherished memory.

Leta, age 40
Currently tandem nursing girl, 26 months, & girl, 4 months, with no sign of stopping.
SAHM with a Masters degree, extensive travelling and high level working experience.
I breastfeed because it's the natural thing to do, and its best for me & my children. Plus the magic boob cures all, perfect for toddler traumas & tantrums!

Melody, 37
Boy, 18 in December, weaned at 6 months (big regret), Girl, 15 in October, weaned around 3 years, Boy, 13 in July, weaned at 15 months and Boy 3 years, still nursing and showing no signs of stopping or slowing down!
Current SAHM, 'my success is defined by those whom I love not a college degree.' I have mostly always been a SAHM and a creative person.
I nursed past one because it felt like a natural and normal progression.  It was never a decision to be made, it was what my children wanted or needed and what I was more than happy to do. I never looked at how I parented as a type of parenting. But when I would read that it was part of AP then it just confirmed that what felt right was common practice no matter how "common" to society it was.

Shannon, 33
Son, 39 months old and still breastfeeding. 
Worked in preclinical research for 12 years and now a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomist and chicken farmer. 
My husband tragically passed away in September 2011 leaving me to raise our Son with no family. Breastfeeding has always been very important to us and now that we have to try and cope with our loss breastfeeding has become kind of an antidepressant. I only nurse once a day or so and have stopped breastfeeding for weeks at a time on two occasions.

Kelli, 40
Girl, self-weaned at 7 years 4 months; Boy, self-weaned at 4 years (tandem nursed with sister for two+ years); Boy, sadly weaned at 6 months due to hospitalization for epilepsy; Girl, still nursing, 35 months (assume for another couple of years!)
Studied Medieval Literature in graduate school, now a full-time homeschooling mom and owner of a craft-based business.
We do full-term nursing because it's mutually beneficial to everyone in the family; it just feels right.

Emma, 25
Boy, aged 4 (still feeding)
3rd Year Biomedical Sciences student
Why? We had no reason to stop! My son has Autism, and feeding helps the bond between us. Also, my mum died of breast cancer when I was 7, breastfeeding reduces my chances of developing it.

Mandy, 25
2 children, boy 6 and girl 3, breastfed both until 22 months. 
SAHM for most of the time, now starting to work and run own cake business.
I always enjoyed breast feeding and knew it would do them both the world of good. It would have felt wrong to stop before we did, it fitted into our lives with ease and the benefits are reason enough to keep going. People were always amazed I was still bf, and I could tell they were shocked even at one, I had jokes about still feeding when they're 18, or asking when I'd stop but I said I don't know, we're all happy to keep going for now!

Amanda, 48
Boy weaned at 8 months due to outside pressure to wean, Girl weaned at 1 year, Boy self-weaned at 2 years, Girl self-weaned at 6+ years, Girl self-weaned at 5 years, Boy still nursing strong at 4 1/2 years.
Nursed through two pregnancies and tandem nursed with the last three children.
Holistic midwife, aspiring herbalist, passion for holistic nutrition. Homeschooler, has a hobby farm and makes and sells jewelry, craft items, and herbals locally and online.
We do "extended" nursing with child led weaning because it is just the natural thing to do. It is simply part of the flow of life and what is best for our children and for myself.

Fleur, 30
Currently tandem nursing 31 month old son and 20 week old daughter. 
Clinical Psychology graduate, formerly working as a residential support worker with young adults with autism and severe learning disabilities, currently a SAHM.
I didn't actually plan on breastfeeding at all, but after the birth of my son, thought I'd give it a go and see how it went. I have always just followed my children's lead and gone with the flow, as it seems to be the easiest way to do things for us personally. I am happy to continue until my children no longer want or need it.

Nicola, 28
Currently tandem feeding two boys, aged 3 years 6 months and 1 year 8 months. No idea when they will wean!
SAHM, trying to set up a work-at-home business.
I didn't see any good reason why I had to force my child to stop breastfeeding at one year old, or any other arbitrary age. At the beginning of each day, the most natural thing for me to do was to nurse my child, just like I did the day before!

Hannah, 27 
Boy, still nursing, 20 months
Previous career in accounts, currently SAHM/work from home/studying.
After a huge struggle to conceive & 1 loss to ectopic pg, so ecstatic my body could actually grow a baby and produce milk! Why stop at 1 when I can continue giving him nutrients and protection with milk made just for him. Plus he loves it - who am I to take that away until he is ready! 

Dara, 39+4
Boy: 18 mths, girl: 18 mths, boy: 18 mths, girl: 19 mths, girl: 22 mths, girl: 30 mths.
Self-employed business owner, author of, "Jungle Breezes", SAHHomeschoolM
I bottle fed my first 2 (of 8)...and wish I could "go back" and do that over. Breastfeeding is just such an awesome part of the relationship with young children. It's bonding. It's convenient. It's free. And, it just is so healthy for both! I think my lifestyle (busy) led my first children to wean earlier but it was never something I did or planned; they all self-weaned.

Margot, 23
Boy, self-weaned at 30 months
Girl, still breastfeeding at 10 months, with no intention of stopping any time soon!
Student, teen parent, inveterate beach bum
My son is sensory sensitive and couldn't touch solid foods without gagging until he was 18 months old. I didn't know that other mothers breastfed their babies past one and had no intention of doing so myself. I just did what worked -and it worked beautifully!

Jane, 41
Nursing: Girl 13 months
Currently a SAHM although does work for  partners business when she can. Degree in psychology, certificate in counselling. Has worked as Resettlement worker, support worker for LD, cook on sail training boats, PA and numerous other jobs!
It's such a useful parenting tool! I don't see what right I have to take away my daughters source of comfort until she decides.

Lula, 33
Son 23,5 months old, happily nursing whenever he wants.
Used to work on a public governance-related project, but now a freelance translator and SAH parent. Has a BA, two MAs and currently doing PhD about discourses on breastfeeding.
When my son turned one he didn't magically transform overnight - he was still my baby who liked to cuddle and nurse. It doesn't look like it's going to change much at 2 ;-)

Callie, 36
Girl aged 4 weaned at 18 months. Boy still nursing at 20 months
Doula, antenatal teacher, hypnotherapist. BA(Hons) English. Current WAHM.
It seemed arbitrary to stop - does it really become “wrong” at any set age? The immune benefits were too good for both of us.

Hayley, 27
Boy still nursing at 34 months
Currently SAHM and 13 weeks pregnant
Never seemed any good reason to stop something my son enjoys so much and gets so much comfort from.

Sunshine, 38
Nearly seven year old daughter is still nursing occasionally and fleetingly.
Elementary school teacher, works full-time, also her daughter’s teacher.
I had to visit several specialists to nurse successfully and give my daughter the myriad of benefits mother milk offers. When I was finally able to do it, I promised myself and my daughter to nurse her for as long as she liked. I have never regretted the promise. For us it is the only choice that has ever made any sense at all.

Julie, 31
Boy 7 self weaned age 5, currently tandem nursing boy aged 3 years and 9 months and girl aged 20 months. 
SAHM and volunteer breastfeeding peer supporter, pre children had various jobs in retail and as a barmaid.
I nurse my children past one because they tell me and my instincts tell me they still need it then.

Alison, 38
Firstborn for 9 months, 2nd for 42 months and currently nursing third at 32 months.
Math and physics teacher, with a background in astrophysics.
I love nursing my sons, well at least when I am not sore from hormones. My youngest, in particular, was quite sick since he was exposed to the older two and their friends. I remember making the comment to my Dr. about how I thought breastfeeding babies weren't supposed to get sick. He replied that it was because of the breastfeeding that he had never been hospitalized. I am glad that I am doing what I can and I have to say I appreciate the savings in not needing to buy formula!

Jess, 21
Breastfeeding 15mnth old girl and 16weeks pregnant with Baby B. Hoping to acheive tandem feeding. 
Works as a RCO for DCP in Australia. Holds diploma in child services.
I choose to breastfeed beyond 1 as its my parenting choice. She is my child and I am her mother. I know what she needs and I'm the one she trusts to deliver it. To take something away without her being ready for me would be breaching that trust and bond we have formed. Until she's ready to wean I'm ready to breastfeed!

Katie, 27
Girl weaned at 16 months, boy still nursing at 30 months. Girl did try again after seeing her brother nursing but she didnt like it. 
BSc Forensic Science, post graduate certificate in Biomedical and Forensic Egyptology. 
When both my babies were born they knew exactly what they wanted so breastfeeding was their choice. I will continue to feed my boy until it's his choice to stop just like his sister did. As long as my babies are happy so am I.

Alicia, 27
Girl, aged 5, breastfed til 4 months, and another girl, now 2, breastfed to 14 months.
Student and salesperson.
I fed the youngest one for that long because, well, there was no reason to stop and I already had an older child to run about after - I certainly wasn't keen to start having to remember bottles, dummies, formula, sterilisers and all the other boob replacement stuff when I had a perfectly good solution attached to my chest. I only gave up with both when medication made it unavoidable.

Rebekah, 24 
Currently breastfeeding 21month daughter, and ttc number 2!
Was a relief work at St.Johns Housing Trust, helping vunerable and homeless people of all backgrounds. Now SAHM.
We're still nursing as there's no reason to stop, I thought self weaning would happen 12-18months, but I'm glad she hasn't and hope she weans when she's ready and isn't put off by pregnancy.

Mandy, 33
Girl, 7, stopped at 10 months 'during what I later learned was a nursing strike', Boy, 3, weaned at 16 months.
HNC in Legal Services , runs small home business making chocolate treats.
I aimed to breastfeed for a year because I didn’t want to use any other milk. The more I learned the longer I wanted to feed for. I am now a firm believer in child led weaning.

Bron, 31
Boy - 9 months - Not enough support, or knowledge on how to cope with a (large) baby who fed every half an hour causing complete exhaustion and pnd. Boy - 14mths - Couldn't cope with feeding and morning sickness. Girl - 9 months - Included 3 months expressing was in scbu as 3 months prem. Supply eventually dwindled. Boy - 37 mths - Still feeding and going strong. He doesn't show any indication of wanting to stop.
SAHM for the last 9+ years
I nursed past one because there was no reason not to. The good aspects outweigh the bad for both of us.

Leala, 27
Boy, still nursing - 30 months 
BA graduate and qualified Photographer. Currently working from home part-time as a Photography Tutor while enjoying life as a SAHM.
I am still happily nursing my son on demand because it is normal, natural, practical and beautiful. It fits with how I want to live my life. I let any pre-conceived notions, expected time limits and stringent 'thou shalt's' just fall away and instead trusted my instincts. I stopped listening to those who were full of derision and instead listened to my baby, my body and those who lovingly supported me. There is nothing about this journey that I haven't loved since then! I let go of the angst, refused to be shamed and instead let myself be awed, empowered and proud of the way my body works to nurture my child, and the beautiful bond I have with my son through it.

Helen, 34
Boy, weaned at 6 months (had been told to breastfeed for first 6 months, so literally did that- hadn't heard of extended breastfeeding.) Girl, self weaned at 24 months. Girl, still nursing at 21 months.
Nursery Nurse, currently childminding while my children are young.
I read that nursing beyond one year reduces your risk of developing breast cancer (which is in my family). Also after about 9 months it's so easy. Your breasts stop leaking. You can wear normal bras. You don't need to remember to buy milk or wash a bottle - why would I want to start worrying about such things! I also think its a lovely bonding experience, a time to cuddle your little one.

Kate, 30
Son 'weaned' 7 months (let down by health professional during illness), Son 13 months currently breastfeeding and NO plans to stop.
Was working in Financial Services until she realised her 'true vocation was Boobies and Babies!' Currently a Housewife, Peer Supporter and Blogger.
In addition to the health benefits of feeding past one, we love doing it and can't see why we wouldn't :)

Alex, 32 
2 boys, 6 years and 17 months old. Son one was just over two when stopped feeding, Son two is still feeding.
SAHM and part time Humanities student. Formerly groundstaff for an airline.
I nursed past one because both my boys wanted to. Purely that reason, the boys chose to carry on and I was ok with it.

Rachel, 36
Girl, still nursing at 23 months
BSc Hons, previous IT systems engineer, currently SAH parent and loving it.
We nursed past one because it works for us in so many ways, its
healthy, we have a wonderful relationship and it makes no sense to stop because of pressure from other people.

Belinda, 35
Boy still nursing at just shy of 20 months.
Was science teacher in the UK and in West Africa for 12 years until she stopped work to have her son, and hopes to stay at home with him until he's 3.
I continue to nurse past one because I believe that it's normal & natural for a child to self-wean when they are ready. There may be a time in the future when I decide I am ready to gently wean him, but that time has not yet come and may never come. We love to travel, and nursing makes for smoother journeys. And when he's under the weather I know that he will ensure he is well nourished by upping his feeds.

Sharon, 43
Girl, 4 years and three months - still nursing
Craniosacral Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Non-Denominational Celebrant
I hoped to get to two years with my daughter and she has really led the way from there. She nurses once or twice a day now, and tells me that when she nurses she "tastes G_d" ... how could I take that away from her, or tell her it's time to stop? I trust her to know when it's time, and when she's ready; and am so grateful for the depth of relationship that nursing has brought us.

Sherry, 48
Girl weaned at 14 months, Girl weaned at 47 months.
Full-time IT Manager, recently launched my own consultancy business, 'your stereotypical hard-working high-flying jet-setting international IT manager.'
I nursed past one - well no special reason. It just felt normal and natural, and why buy processed food when my milk was good enough. Both daughters self-weaned when they were ready.

Shoshanah, 28
Girl, 14 months, will continue nursing till she self-weans.
Physics degree, has worked for non-profits and the local council, now a single SAHM.
Cows' milk is for calves, my milk is for my daughter, who deserves no less than the biological norm that is full-term breastfeeding.

Deborah, 36
Girl 6 - weaned at 3.5 years, boy 4 - weaned at 2.5 years (tandem fed for 1.5 years) and boy 2 months still nursing and plans to continue for as long as he would like to.
Psychiatric nurse pre-children then retrained as a psychotherapist. Has a degree and MSc. Volunteer bf peer supporter.
I nursed past one because it was not the right time to stop, my children have all found it to be a great source of comfort and closeness. My 6 year old says she remembers nursing and how lovely it was.

Jessica, 23
Girl 13 months, still nursingSAHM with a background in Montessori Education
We nurse past one for health...physical, mental, emotional (on both sides).

Vicky, 35
Girl 3 1/2 weaned recently during pregnancy
Graduate, Specialist Nurse
I started off wanting to do 6 months, but as I worked so hard at making it work for us why give up once it was easier? What a tool to have in your box! Comfort, pain relief, food, drink, love all on tap and free.

Lauren, 26
Boy, 6 who was ebf until 6 weeks. Boy 2.5 who is still feeding and will do so until he self-weans.
Educated to college level, worked as a work controller for a photocopier company before kids but now a SAHM and home educator.
It was the natural, thing to do and came with so many benefits for both of us, its a wonderful bonding experience just feels 'right'.

Sisters, Trinia and Nakita!
On the left: Trinia, 28
Girl, 4 years old, weaned at 2 years old
Hairstylist and Full-time Mom that brings her daughter to work.
On the right: Nakita, 25
Boy, 14 months, still nursing
College graduate, Former chef and University student, currently SAHM
We nursed past one because it is what's best for our children, both nutritionally and emotionally.

Jenny, 43
Two daughters 3 years apart, Eldest self weaned at about 7 years, fed in tandem with Youngest who's not weaned yet, now nearly 6.
Part-time Radiographic Support Worker in NHS.
Because I couldn't find a good reason not to.

Nicole, 29
Boy, 4y 3m still nursing
Nanny, has done papers towards nursing, midwifery and childbirth education.
There was no reason to stop.

Jessica, 32
Girl, self weaned at 16 months, Boy, still nursing 15 months
SAHM, previously a Special Education teacher with a Master's in Education
It's healthy for us both, all natural, and free! What could be better than that?! 

Megan, 35
Girl, now ten, self-weaned at 3 years 11 months, Girl, now eight, self-weaned at 2 years 6 months,
Boy, now 4 years 10 months, self-weaned at 4 years 9 months.
Oxford maths graduate, currently SAHM and (almost qualified) NCT breastfeeding counsellor.
Why stop just because they had a birthday? They didn't want to stop, it would have been a painful and unpleasant process for them, for no reason.

Becki, 30 
Girl self-weaned at 25 months, when pregnant with boy 3 months, still nursing. 
Fed through my return to work full time when girl was 4 months (spent all my breaks pumping in a cupboard!). Both kids are/were bottle dodgers and nursing helps us retain the bond we could have lost with me working full time.

Matesa, 38
Girl, weaned at 13 months 'as I was pregnant again and health professionals were gob smacked I was still feeding her whilst pregnant, so I thought it couldn't be done'; Boy, weaned at 9 months, milk stopped; Boy, weaned at 3 years 5 months.
Fitness Instructor, ex semi-professional boxer/kickboxer
Benefits of breastfeeding don't stop after 12 months. Nothing soothes and calms like it. We both gained from continuing past WHO guidelines.

Daisy, 22
Girl, 16 months still nursing.
Currently studying for an applied social science degree.
I nursed past one mum breastfed, because it has so many health benefits to mother an baby and because it is the cure all for ANY problem with a child. Teething, tummy-ache, bumped head, tired etc. My motto is ‘if in doubt, get one out’.

Luiza, 32 
Girl, still nursing, 29 months
2 masters degrees, currently: during the day SAHM, in the evenings/nights translator.
It's not always "socially" easy, but I follow what my heart / mother instinct says.

Rachel, 32
Girl weaned at 15 months, due to pregnancy. Boy still nursing 18 months.
BSc in nutrition, currently a SAHM, Fair Trader, Farmers Wife and studying Diploma in Breastfeeding Counselling with NCT.
Why stop something when its going so well? Its instant relief for any cry!

Kirstie, 32
Girl 1: Nursed to 25 months
Girl 2: Nursing at 8 months
Former lawyer, currently SAHM
We never saw a reason to stop until my daughter self weaned.  We'll do the same again although I know I'll be sad if it's sooner!

Kim, 27
Girl age 3 and a half (weaned at 2 and a half due to pregnancy ending supply) and Boy age 11-months (currently nursing, 'will continue as long as he wants')
Seamstress/crafter, unschooling SAHM
Why? - Why not? I'm a mammal.

Carol, 40
Boy weaned at 3. Girl still nursing at 21 months.
Busy mum. Also manages a joinery business with her husband.
Criticism from others didn't seem to be a good enough reason to stop doing something so beneficial to both of us.

Sarah, 33
Boy, weaned at 16 months.
Graduate, currently a SAHM and part time proof reader from home.
I originally planned to wean my son when he was around one, but wasn't ready to stop just because he had reached that particular milestone. I found that feeding him beyond one provided a quiet time for us and continued to strengthen our bond as as we ventured into the hectic world of toddlerhood together.

Miranda, 33
2 boys: oldest now 11, weaned at 17 months. youngest is 12 months, still nursing.
Formerly in Human Resources, now SAHM.
I parent in a way that feels natural to me - and breastfeeding feels natural and normal. When I look down at my son while nursing and he lifts his little hand to wave at me, I can't imagine having it any other way!

Sarah, 28
9 year old Girl weaned at 5 yrs 1 month
EMT, LPN, Homeschool Teacher, RN Student
She had an abusive past with her father, She needed the emotional connection, her therapist said weaning could have negative consequences. I Loved that I could give that to her.

Claire, 33
Boy, 25mths, still nursing at bedtime. Girl, 4.5mths, still nursing.
Graphic Designer now working from home but with a background in glossy magazines. Lover of shoes and babywearing.
I survived breast cancer at 22 but had to have a left-side mastectomy and hardcore chemo. Fortunately breastfeeding has still come easily and I'm determined to make the most of the health benefits for both my children and myself, especially after my other breast tried to kill me!! It's always felt like the most natural thing to do. Oh, and we all love the snuggles!

Nicole, 35
Girl weaned at 11 months, Girl weaned at 34 months
Teacher of the Deaf (MA Deaf Education), Babywearing Consultant and Chair of Gloucestershire Breastfeeding Supporters Network.
With DD1 stress/work brought an early end to breastfeeding. With DD2 I felt more relaxed and I worked closer to home so I could nurse at lunchtimes. I'm so glad I did, DD2 is high needs and breastfeeding helped us to stay connected when emotions were stormy.

Heather, 31
Girl, now 7 years old, weaned at 27 months (and into third trimester of pregnancy with #2), and girl, now 5 years old, weaned at 5 months.
Former SAHM, now a Financial Coordinator at a dental office.
My first was a very high needs baby with a lot of anxiety. She needed a lot of comfort and security and I am so grateful I was able to provide that for her.

Jen, 33
Son 1 - 17 months; Son 2 - 8 weeks so far...
Neonatal Nurse, peer supporter and a trustee of Gloucestershire Breastfeeding Supporters Network.
Started with no goals or prejudice, just took each day, week and month as they came. Was not prepared when son 1 self weaned, but was so pleased I'd made myself available to him for as long as he needed to nurse.

Jenny, 38
Boy, self-weaned at 3 years 5 months, Girl, still nursing at 12 months (tandem nursed for 8 months)
Canadian government executive with a science degree, currently on maternity leave, 'will continue to nurse when I return to work full-time.'
My mother nursed me until I was three, and taught me that it is a normal and beautiful way to nourish and nurture our children. She died before I had my first baby, but I have carried her teaching with me throughout this crazy and incredible journey.

Sue, 33
Daughter, 25 months old and 'still very much a boobie monster. No signs of weaning.'
Mental health nurse, currently a SAHM. Just qualified as an Australian Breastfeeding Association Breastfeeding Counsellor and started the studies to be a Lactation Consultant. 
THAT is how passionate about boobs I am :) Why I nursed past one? Because my daughter tells me she still needs to. And I'm not going anywhere.

Erika, 37
1 son age 6 (weaned due to pregnancy aged 2 1/2 and another son age 3 (still nursing)
Studied Midwifery at Uni and then went on to become a Fertility Specialist Nurse. Works a couple of days a week now youngest at preschool.
I am not entirely sure why I continued to nurse past 1 but I think the fact that my 1st son has a disability and his birth and babyhood were shadowed by this probably gave me a real need to feel a close bond with him and do something that could really optimise his health and development. That and the discovery of an amazing bunch of women from La Leche League who just normalised it!

Shianne, 25
One daughter, aged 1, currently still nursing.
SAHM & seamstress.
My daughter still thinks food is for fun, so "nursy" time is 90-95% of her nourishment. She loves her "boob juice", as my hubby & I endearingly call it. Due to my home birth, turned c-section, breastfeeding was the one thing I HAD to do for myself, as well as knowing it was best for baby. She'll wean when she's ready.

Shell, 32
Girl 32mo still nursing on demand (some days a lot!)
Graduate with a Bachelor Science Nursing. Former general RN & paediatric RN. Current SAHM & part time community cleaner.
It's the biologically normal thing to continue to nurse for as long as both in the nursing diad are happy to.

Sarah, 35
Girl, weaned at 4.5 months 'due to illness and pressure from family'. Boy, still nursing 3.5 years, Girl, still nursing 9 months.
SAHomeEdM before which was project manager for computer games company, BSc in Sports Science.
I love the special bond I have with my nurslings which wasn't about to stop at 1 year.

Karen, 32
Girl weaned 2 weeks ago aged 4.5yrs
Degree in Sociology with Economics. Previously managed a recruitment consultancy. After volunteering as a BF peer supporter in mat leave, applied for and currently works in the role of peer supporter/branch manager of a breastfeeding organisation.
No reason to stop. Despite being 9 weeks prem my daughter has always been healthy, never had antibiotics and is a happy confident 4.5yr old.

Crystal, 26 
Son, 22 months old, 'will nurse him until he decides he is finished.'
Was a C.N.A. before son was born, now SAHM and part time college student, studying to become an English/Social Studies teacher.
I decided to nurse my toddler because I know that it is the best thing for him because of the physical and emotional benefits he recieves, and because he loves to nurse.

Stacy, 39
Daughter, just over 3.5yrs, 'has been slowly weaning herself, on her own terms.' 
Full time mama and part time Sign Language interpreter.
I nursed until my child was no longer interested. We have always done baby led feeding and weaning. Age is not important when it comes to nursing!

Amanda, 25 
1 son nursing at 20 months old with 'no plans to stop until he's ready'. 
SAHM who owns the Facebook page Calling for Greater Transparency from Infant Formula Corporations, previously worked in leading international bank, currently studying to be a Montessori Nursery School Teacher.
After being met with hostility from family members for bfing, I researched and realised how right what I was doing was (and is). Originally planned to bf for 6 months, then it became one year and now not stopping until he's ready. My son would be devastated to have his greatest source of comfort taken away from him and I don't have it in me to do that to him. Besides, I love our time together and will be sad when it ends.

Rebecca, 24
Daughter 'still' nursing at 30 months, 'will be stopping when she's ready.'
Currently a SAHM, a breastfeeding peer supporter, delivers antenatal classes on cloth nappies and helps at breastfeeding antenatal classes, attends breastfeeding training courses and conferences, organises various different breastfeeding/cloth nappy events. Chairperson of the Parents Forum.
I struggled horrifically to breastfeed up till 6 months, there seemed no point giving up when it become easy, and it remained so benificial to my daughter and myself (family history of breast cancer)

Lauren, 27
Daughter now age 6 self weaned at 11 months. Second daughter age 17 weeks, 'will continue to breastfeed for as long as she wants.'
Current SAHM, previously studied anatomy and human biology. Also worked in a bank.
I loved breastfeeding my first daughter and found it easy and natural. I will continue to feed my second daughter as long as she wants because; I love it, she needs it and we are both happier, calmer people because of it!

Donna, 39
Girl now 17 self weaned at 30 months, tandem fed with Girl, now 15, self weaned at 18 months, tandem fed with Girl, now 14, never came off nursing strike at 11 months. Girl aged 25 months, still nursing, Boy aged 20 weeks, non stop nursing, ttc no 6.
SAHP but have previously a nursery nurse, photographers assistant, studied landscape design and finally a manager of a retirement estate. Planning to home ed the youngest children.
It felt wrong to stop nursing. It offers so many benefits....comfort, security, bonding, it's soporific. Then there's the nutrition, the immunity for them, the decreasing risk of breast cancer for me.

Thanks for reading! As you have seen, there has been a huge response to this post, but I am happy to keep adding pictures. If you would like to be included, please send me the following:
A Picture of Yourself - just you, not breastfeeding, not with anyone else, even your child, in the image. Maybe even you doing some non-mother related, e.g. at work, running a marathon, getting your degree etc)
Your Name, or first name.
Your Age.
The sex and age of your children and the age they weaned if they have. (e.g., Boy, weaned at 4, Girl, still nursing, 20 months)
Your Background - occupation, qualifications, etc (e.g., graduate, former chef, current SAHM)
Why you nursed past one - in approx 20 words.



  1. Absolutely beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes. It feels so nice to be surrounded by all these wonderful women, even if it's just online :-)
    Big kiss to my friend Rebecca, I see you took part too.

  2. So glad you were able to get a wide selection of women to respond to this! I truely believe the "shock and horror" over this is two fold: 1) the sexualization, thus objectification, of womens bodies and 2) the drive and pressure to push women back into the workforce. Thank you for this article.

    1. "a wide selection of women " = almost all white.

    2. yes, i had noticed that jexia...not much i can do about that one, i can only put up what people send me...but will look into it. x

    3. Oh, I guess you are right on that, I really only glanced at the pictures while reading the bio's. That was the basis for my statement.

    4. I wouldn't be so quick to judge a person's heritage or how they identify just by a picture. I contributed to this article, and am of mixed race and identify strongly as so, though it may not be totally obvious from my picture. People are often making assumptions about 'what I am', mostly incorrectly (that's fine, I'm used to that) so I just wanted to raise the point. :)
      Great blog post, great idea, it is lovely to see women coming forward to share their experiences. :)

    5. Thanks for a good point Anon, and thanks for contributing! x

  3. Good on all you mamas! I am currently feeding my 9 month old with no plans to stop. I will be one of you in a few months time, at first the idea of breastfeeding a toddler seems overwhelming but as the time she will be toddling approaches so fast, I see nothing could be more natural! Go go booby power I have such a respect for the female body and its ability to nuture (all this coming from someone who was totally freaked out by the idea of breastfeeding at all when I was pregnant!)
    Thank you for this post X

    1. Thank you so much Holly, do send us a pic when you reach your milestone!

  4. Mine is sent in :) this is a brilliant idea xx

  5. I would like to be included but cannot email you. I do not use outlook express and it won't tell me what your email address is...

    1. Hi, it is, look forward to hearing from you! x

  6. This is a lovely way of highlighting just how normal extended breastfeeding is. It is lovely to see so many women of all ages and backgrounds on here.

  7. What a beautiful post, thank you! With all the ridiculous negativity surrounding this issue it is so nice to get a snapshot of all these strong women standing up for their parenting choices. Go mums! My boy is ten months and breastfeeding with no plans of stopping. Reading this only strengthens my resolve to let him self wean whenever he is ready :) I wrote a post about this issue too

  8. It is lovely to show the real side of breastfeeding a toddler. I stopped at 8 months as it was the right thing for us but it is great to so see so many people carrying on until their children are ready

  9. Would love to contribute as well...unfortunately I'm of the fat and hairy hippy type. But thanks for maligning big mamas, we don't get that enough!

    1. Oh dear, that was not what I meant AT ALL, and I'm sorry you heard it that way. :( I was talking about the media stereotype, not my own.
      Please do send your photo! And I'm so sorry if you felt I was suggesting that you were not welcome in the post. x

  10. Thank you for a fresh, beautiful, different take on this! We recently posted about this too: Long live the self-weaners!!

    1. Thank you so much! Loved your post and such lovely images! x

  11. What a wonderfull idea! So many women who breastfeed after 6 months feel isolated, sometimes having to bear repeated critics from their own family and friends.It might well be the subject of my next tale... :-)

    1. Thank you, let me know about that if you would! x

  12. Brilliant, brilliant post. Will share it immediately and hope others do the same.

    What amazing and beautiful women.

    By the way, I notice that lots of the mums on here are SAHM / WAHM or work freelance / part time. I work full time away from home and am still feeding my 16 month old (morning and evenings during the week and all the time at the weekends!). Anything is possible girls.

    1. Look forward to receiving your pic, you are right, anything IS possible! x

  13. What a fantastic blog post, thankyou so much for sharing that. I'm breastfeeding my first child who is 5 months old and i already feel under pressure from health visitors to stop feeding and move onto formula and food combo feeding. I plan to continue for as long as I can because i love it.

    1. Don't get me started on Health Visitors CR! ;-)
      Well done for ignoring them, let's leave it at that! x

  14. All of you are beautiful. Such a great blog. Made my day to read it this morning :)

    1. Thank you that's lovely to know Marti x

    2. So happy to read these stories! So happy to be asked to share my story. I have sent it in!

  15. I am warmed by this article and all bf is normal no matter of your background age or ethnicity. I love bf my little one. And I will continue to do so until she wants to stop. Thanks for what you are doing here xx

  16. What a fabulous idea, I would definitely have sent in a photo if I'd known about it earlier (will be following you from now on lol).

    I'm 31 and still nursing my first-born who will be 2 next month!

    1. Well I'm still adding pics so feel free to send if you want to! x

  17. I'm intrigued - what are you hoping to achieve? Like the lady earlier who felt she couldn't post as she was the 'fat hairy hippy' type - I don't fit into your demographic as you are portraying it here. You want to show that young, beautiful and trendy 'yummy mummys' breast feed toddlers. Surely you are just encouraging the population to judge women by their looks and fashion sense. I'm not making myself very clear and I don't mean to be insulting or rude - but the breast feeding army are rather missing the point in my humble opinion. It's not about what you look like, where you do it, or whether people disapprove, it's not a campaign, it's not a 'cause' it's dinner, plain and simple. Just dinner. The more fuss you make the more people will fight against it - the Daily Mail readers of this world just love a battle - just get on with it like we did, Instead of flash mob breast feeding where someone has given you a hard time, just avoid the place, hit them in their pockets, thats where it will hurt most.
    I'm sorry if I appear cross or rude, I've done what you are all doing now and I did it a long time ago, and just got on with it. In a perfect world no-one will care about your breast feeding habits, but we don't live in a perfect world and people will remember you and in turn your children and whilst they have no right to disapprove they will. Don't try and change the world from the outside, change it from the inside and bring up a generation of open minded and outgoing young adults who will change the world for our old age - thats what I'm hoping I did!! focus on your children and their well being, screw those that don't like it - why do you want their approval ? or consent?

    1. I think they want to show that all types of people breastfeed full-term. Nobody set restrictions on who should post except you and the "fat hairy hippy" with a chip on her shoulder :p

      It's probably most helpful to people who wouldn't normally consider breastfeeding (or at least for that long) as they see it as for people who fit the media stereotype, so this will show them that it's ordinary women from all sorts of backgrounds who do it. Making them rethink their initial reaction.

    2. sc2987, that did make me giggle!
      you are dead right, i set absolutely NO restrictions at all on who could be in the post. the photos above are just the people who sent their images to me.
      Anon - i did say in the opening paragraphs what i hoped to achieve.
      To quote myself:
      'My aim is that the images below will challenge such assumptions and even help normalise this parenting choice, allowing more mothers to nurse for longer if it feels right for them. I also hope this post serves as a way of women standing side by side, a show of solidarity, a 'petition' of sorts: Dear World, Please Consider This Normal!'
      Last week I was in a social situation and people were discussing the Time cover, along the lines of 'Bitty' jokes and how disgusting it was. And you only need to look at the comments on some of the recent articles about EBF to see just how many people have a major issue with it.
      I think if such people knew just how many mothers are 'doing EBF' they might be forced to reconsider this attitude.
      I don't agree with your suggestion of 'just get on with it' - I think if we see an injustice or a misconception we should pipe up. This is how change happens.
      I also think this post is giving a lot of validation to mothers who make this choice, myself in included. It's a shame we need it, but I think we do!

    3. I also disagree with the notion we should "just get on with it". That might be easy for you and other people who are assertive. I count myself as one of those. But many people are not and we might be able to help them do something they feel they might be judged for. It might help them disregard the comments they are getting from extended family and friends. It is about supporting others.

  18. this is so lovely and inspiring <3

  19. "There was no reason to stop"....

    The thing is, for me, there is no reason to keep going.

    I'm not saying this is true for anyone else. We all do what we do for our chilrden for our own reasons and in our own circumstances.

    But I know, for me, with number 4 turning 1 later this month, stopping in the next few weeks is right.

    Because the thing is, there isn't really any reason to keep going. I'd love to, but that's not for him, it's for me - it's to keep him "my baby" for longer. To enjoy those snuggles for a wee while more.

    But he doesn't care. He really doesn't. He enjoys it, sure, but no more or less than a banana or a mug of cows' milk. It's a cuddle, as far as he's concerned, and I'm not going to stop those.

    And I've tried to justify continuing: but despite searching, I have found no independent peer reviewed research linking any additional health benefits to extended breastfeeding. I'd like there to be, but there isn't. And even the WHO advice is really aimed at countries where child nutrition relies on the additional nutrition from the mother, and where clean water is not a given. Who wouldn't breastfeed their baby if it could save his or her life?

    But none of those things is true for me. And so, for me, continuing would be a selfish act. For me, not for him.

    Like I say, that's just me, but I know that in choosing to take a different path I'll be seen as criticising the mothers who have taken part. And I'm not. They are, I am sure, loving caring parents who are doing what they think is right for their children as I am for mine.

    We're different. That doesn't make either of us wrong.

    1. I'm glad you are happy with your choices planb.
      This post does not seek to criticise those who wean before one, or formula feed. We are all in this together! x

    2. at 4 there mayb no 'need' to carry on but there are plenty of studies on the internet showing the benefits do carry on, for one, a childs immune system isnt even fully developed till seven years old, I'm suprised you havent found any positive info.
      but as you said, its what you think is right, you know your child and whats right for him so you knew that it was a good point to stop.
      my LO is still having morning feeds an snacking, but if offered fruit during the day she oftens prefers it, i think part of BLW is to make sure your child is offered alternatives to BF and let her decide. On a well day, she'll happily have grapes or water instead, but when shes teething BFing does reduce pain, lower fevers and comfort her. When i say theres no reason to stop, its because it doesnt inconvinance me as a SAHM, it doesnt harm her, and my child still chooses to do so. At somepoint in the future she will either decide to stop, or like you she'll seem unbothered, and I might take that opertunity to encourage her to stop. I BF and i AP, but really im just taking how it comes and 'going with the flow' of my child, lol!

    3. There is plenty of research to show the health benefits of breastfeeding after 1 - they're the same as breastfeeding before 1. The WHO advice is absolutely NOT "really aimed at countries where child nutrition relies on the additional nutrition from the mother, and where clean water is not a given." There is nothing at all to suggest this in the WHO advice to breastfeed to 2 years and beyond.

      However, breastfeeding to a year old is totally amazing, is giving a child a start in life that sadly few children get, and is something to be immensely proud of. I just wanted to counter the inaccuracies in the post :)

    4. Planb, actually there is PLENTY of evidence that the benefits go well beyond a year! Think about it, does broccoli ever stop being good for you after you hit a certain age?? Here is a link:

  20. This is a great open discussion as well as a brilliant visual representation of normal mums making a normal choice. And it is a choice that you shouldn't be judged for making nor judged for making a different choice either. So great to see ideas and views shared respectfully too.

    1. Thanks for your comment Nicole, much appreciated! x

  21. I sent in my pic and its up. I did because im 21 so im younger and im hoping other young mums like me consider feeding there babies bm. Alot of people i talk to go nah ill just bottle. Why? Because we are young? We are just as capable, and its a choice you can make to do.

    1. well done to you! im 24 with a 20month old bfing. Iv done peer support training and now help at a young mums group, i hope by seeing breastfeeding and being able to ask questions in a safe place i can encourage more young girls! so far we have seen a rise which is great.
      Its good to know other young mums are managing against pressures to BF, and by doing it and being confident you'll be inspiring your freinds and there freinds without even realising it, keep up the good work!

  22. well done ladies! im also 21 and love BF my 16month old daughter and the beautiful bond we share! its great to see that there are other young mummies extended BFing as i have found that most of the mummies i have met stopped BF by 6 months or less and often ask why i choose to still feed my little one? or when i will be weaning her?

    1. Lovely to hear from another 'young' breastfeeder! Good for you and I hope you carry on for as long as you both feel happy to x

  23. I think this is a wonderfully supportive idea, I don't know about other mom's out there but I don't nurse in public now that DD is older due to "niplash" and her inability to sit still leading to me flashing way more than I'm comfortable with. I sent my info in because I think we do need to show that it is normal to do it and make it so that none of us feel isolated.

    1. Thanks Heather I really appreciate your contribution x

  24. Love this post. I'm still nursing my 3 year old a couple of times a day. Am happy to stop if he is, but I see no reason to force him. My daughter self-weaned at 19 months due to me being pregnant with her brother but about 6 months after he was born asked for it again and for the next 2 years kept asking for it once every 2 months or so - and I obliged.

    Oh, and I stopped nursing in public once my babies were between 12 and 18 months old. They had no interest while out and about anyway and would not have wanted to sit still for it. We pretty much only nursed for sleep and nap times and first thing in the morning.

  25. My children are now 18 and 14, they never wanted to stop, I think my eldest was about 8/9 when she had her last slurp - wasn't feeding that much, just the odd comfort cuddle and feed and the youngest was about 4/5 - my milk just stopped, I think because the shape of my youngest's mouth was changing and I wasn't getting the right stimulation.

    Strange, and I've never hear of this before, the last time they managed to get anythihg out of my breasts they were both disgusted and said it had 'gone off'. They had had nothing for about a fortnight, is it possible for old milk to change and taste bad?

    They are both now commited breastfeeders and can see no reason to feed babies any other way but they are a bit ashamed now of having gone on so long and do not let me mention it in public.

    Until they got to about three, I was a very public feeder. I did wear tops that lifted up so I wasn't totally exposed but I never used scarves or anything like that to hide what I was doing and only ever got one lot of abuse from some teenage boys shoutin 'tit' etc as I was in a station feeding my less than a year old daughter. We did get the odd strange look as they got a bit older but after about 2/3 it was only something we did at home.

  26. Thanks for sharing these stories. I am 29 today. My family always laughs because I self weaned at 2 and a half. Only now do I understand what my mother did for me... I must go and thank her. :)

  27. Thank you for posting this and for all the women who shared, especially those who have/are bfing on the far end of the spectrum. Around here, it hasn't felt unusual to breastfed over the age of one, but my son is 4.5 and continues to nurse regularly. It's easy to feel like the "freakish" one and worry that you are the only one out there with a child still going at this age. It's comforting to *know* I'm not alone.

  28. I sent a contribution also! I love this post :)

    1. I hope I added it Tiffani and others!
      I'm aware that I have a few in my inbox, so apologies to those who have sent them if they are not up yet.
      My excuse is I'm not keeping on top of things at the moment - I'm pregnant - oh, and breastfeeding a 2 year old!!!
      Thanks to you and all the other great commenters above x

  29. The answer to this question is culturally based. There are cultural differences in terms of what is considered an appropriate length that one should breast feed. In addition, in some economically impoverished areas, breast feeding is one of the only options for making sure one's baby is fed. The answer should be based on what is nutritionally indicated, while considering cultural and economic differences. The idea that one should not breastfeed after 1 years of age seems arbitrary.

  30. Well done! If only the Times article had been as thoughtfully done as yours!

  31. I am 29, mother of 6.
    my first baby had trouble breastfeeding. i had inverted nipples and he had a hard time latching on.....on the advice of "experts" i gave him a bottle....i ended up pumping for him for 10 months till i was midway thru pregnancy with my second. my second was born premature but i successfully nursed him. my oldest saw that looked like a good thing to do (he was now 16 months) and wanted to nurse too, so i let him. I nursed him for a year tandem with my second born son. I nursed them both thru 3 months of my third pregnancy then my oldest self weaned. I continued nursing my second one thru my third pregnancy and for a few months after baby #3 was born.
    baby #3 nursed untill he was almost 3 years old. during that time i gave birth to my fourth child, who was born with a swallowing disorder and could never nurse. i pumped milk for him while nursing #3. when #4 was 2 years old i became pregnant with #5 (also a boy) i nursed him thru pregnancy with #6 (our first girl!) and curently i am nursing my 2 year old and my 1 year old (#5 and #6) together. :)

  32. Hello. I iust stumbled across this. Im 27, still breastfeeding my 33 month old. I think this is great. Show the world breastfeeding a toddler is perfectly are the women who do it :).


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